How to Install and Configure Coolify on Ubuntu

How to Install and Configure Coolify on Ubuntu

Coolify is a powerful web application that allows you to manage and deploy your applications with ease. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to install Coolify on an Ubuntu server. Once installed, you can use Coolify to manage and deploy your applications efficiently. Here's a step-by-step guide:


Before we begin, make sure you have an Ubuntu server up and running. You should also have sudo privileges or access to the root account.

Step 1: Update the System

To ensure your system has the latest package information, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update -y

Step 2: Upgrade Packages

Upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions by running the following command:

sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 3: Install wget (if not already installed)

Wget is a useful utility for downloading files from the internet. If it's not installed, you can install it with the following command:

sudo apt install wget

Step 4: Download and Install Coolify

To install Coolify, download the installation script and execute it with the following commands:

wget -q -O
sudo bash ./

This script will guide you through the installation process. Follow the prompts and provide any required information.

Step 5: Access Coolify

Once the installation is complete, you can access Coolify by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:3000. The default port for Coolify is 3000.

Step 6: Admin Email Registration

To manage Coolify and your applications, you'll need to register an admin email address. Follow the on-screen instructions to register your email and set up the admin account.

Step 7: Coolify Panel Ready

Congratulations! Your Coolify panel is now set up and ready to deploy your applications. You can start managing and deploying your projects through the Coolify web interface.

Coolify simplifies the process of managing and deploying applications on your Ubuntu server, making it a valuable tool for developers and system administrators. Enjoy the convenience of Coolify as you streamline your application deployment workflow.

That's it! You've successfully installed Coolify on your Ubuntu server and are ready to start managing your applications with ease.