Binding a Domain to Coolify

Binding a Domain to Coolify

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of binding a domain to Coolify. This is a useful step when you want to deploy your application with a specific Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Coolify comes equipped with its own reverse proxy, making it a breeze to connect your FQDN to your Coolify panel. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Find Your Server's Public IP:

  • You can obtain your server's public IP from your VPS server's control panel.
  • If you're using port forwarding, check your router or use Google to find your public IP.

Step 2: Configure Coolify Settings:

  • Log in to your Coolify panel.
  • Navigate to the "Settings" menu.

Step 3: Add Your FQDN:

  • In the "Settings" menu, find the option to add an FQDN.
  • Input your desired FQDN and set up any necessary redirection.
  • Disable DNS checking if it's enabled.
  • Click the "Save" button to apply your changes.

Step 4: Configure DNS Management:

  • Access your DNS Management interface provided by your hosting service.
  • Create an A DNS record.
  • Enter the domain you added to Coolify in step 3.
  • Input the public IP address of your server that you obtained in step 1.
  • Save your DNS configuration.

Step 5: Restart Coolify:

  • Return to your Coolify panel.
  • Restart Coolify to apply the changes.

Note: If Coolify doesn't come back up immediately, consider restarting your server.

Binding your domain to Coolify is an essential step in deploying your application with a specific FQDN. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Coolify panel is accessible through your chosen domain name. This process simplifies the accessibility of your application, making it easier for users to find and use your services. Enjoy the benefits of a customized domain with Coolify!